Tuesday, June 26, 2007


JUNE 26, 2007, 2:34 PM: Frostbite Falls and Black Mesa today went into trade talks today. At the end of the talks and much debating, Black Mesa's own RHP Eric Gagne was sent off to Frostbit Falls. In his response, catcher Josh Bard and RHP Humberto Sanchez.

"How can I validate this wonderful trade?" states GM Ryne O'Connor, after his little one side trade to Worcester a few days before. "Two reasons. One, I lost a prospect but gained one back and another catcher. Two, because I like it. So deal with it."

1 comment:

ejcMOABS said...

Hey congrats on your page, looks good. Over where your roster is located, try using this code
shift comma is < >

(Shift comma)br(shift comma), and (shift comma)space/(shift comma)